Sunday, March 22, 2009

Innovation at Nano: Tata's dream car

Not many companies in India are known for innovation in product design. Management of entire product life cycle from concept to design, development, launch through end-of-life is mostly a new challenge for a majority of corporations. However Tata's through Nano have turn the tide in Automobile, considered to be one of the most matured industry segments in the world. Here is an excellent article in BusinessWeek on how Tata is bringing some of the most innovative practices into design, development and supply chain of Nano.

Click here for the article!  

Another interesting podcast on their supply chain "Behind the Scenes: The Tata Motors Story" can be found here. The article is the 2nd one from the top. 

Comments are welcome!

1 comment:

  1. A couple of things completely unrelated to this - One, the traffic is just going to get even worse now. With no concept of lane driving and more smaller automobiles on the 'famous' indian roads, good luck enjoying the fruit of Indian engineering. Two, I think if there is any other sector that can replicate what Tata is doing in the Automobiles sector in India, it is the biopharma/biotech group. I still think there is a lot of potential and promise in this sector which India should bank on before it is too late.
